Audience of One
Series Graphic

"For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me." John 6:38

On behalf of The Vineyard Church Mishawaka, Audience of One is their second fall series that focuses on Lordship* in your individual relationship with Jesus.


This series tackles the question, “What does it look like to live for Jesus with Him as the only audience member of our lives?” While there is pressure from the world at work, family, friends (and even strangers) to please others, as followers of Jesus we have to ask the question, “Who are we really living for?” For this series the goal was to highlight how to live in righteousness for the one audience member who truly matters.

*What is Lordship? “When a person yields to the lordship of Jesus Christ, he or she acknowledges His ownership and gives up his or her personal rights. Yielding to the lordship of Jesus Christ also involves total and unreserved obedience. If He is the Lord of your life, you are going to do what He tells you to do.”

Definition of Lordship by Dr. Roger D. Willmore.

Looking for more? Visit for the rest of the series.

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