Fellowship Over Followers
Discovering Authentic Community in a Hurried World of Comparison
Comparison is stealing the joy of deeper intimacy with Jesus and fellowship with one another.
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:35
At the beginning of 2020, the idea for my first book was planted in my heart but I knew it was not the time to write it. A year and a half later in October 2021, God opened the door and called me to begin writing. With the encouragement of family and friends, I have written the rough draft of my first book in eight months. All glory be to Jesus for His faithfulness in leading me throughout this journey of stepping out in faith to become a writer (read more about my writing journey in a recent blog post here!).
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Fellowship Over Followers, it is available for purchase on Amazon!